+91 96000 44222 info@quadrate.co.in

Quadrate Multilingual Consultant Pvt Ltd

Medical and Life science Translation

Specialized medical translations by medical professionals

Quadrate is the trusted choice of leading organizations worldwide.

Medical and Life science Translation services

Legible and accurate communication is vital when transitioning into the medical and life science sector. Your aspiration to expand to the global market requires accurate and precise translation of your medical and life science documents incorporating local regulations and medical standards. At Quadrate, we introduce you to our team of multilingual medical professionals and linguists who will translate your medical documents such as medical reports and pharmaceutical records with incomparable precision and speed.

Why Quadrate for your medical and life science translation needs?

Every medical and life science document carries important information that cannot be tampered with by poor translation work. We, at Quadrate, solely assign native medical professionals with multilingual proficiency to work on your documents from beginning to end, to deliver the best and the most culturally accurate translated work possible.

Translation done by experts

We have doctors, nurses, medical researchers, chemists, and other professionals working on your documents to ensure your documents are incorporated with the right medical terminologies and glossaries.


We deal with confidential medical reports and research documents regularly. Your sensitive information is protected not just by our words but also by a non-disclosure agreement we sign with you to promise confidentiality to your content.

Machine translation and DTP

Our services have advanced exceptionally, both in quality and speed, over the years as we dwelled into machine translation. Our very own self-learning AI takes in previously translated memory along with regular glossary, terminology, and glossary updates by our linguistic experts and developers to translate every document with pinpoint accuracy and precision. Our Desktop Publishing (DTP) team edited the formats to meet the different written formats of Middle Eastern and Asian languages.

Certified work

We have been doing this service for over 15 years. We have every ISO certification required to provide authentic and reliable service not only to every medical and life science translations but also to other sectors.

Technology-driven translation

We team you up with linguistic experts and medical specialists in your target language. Our team has a good sense of cultural preferences and local medical regulations. They can ensure your medical and life science translation documents are localized to resonate with the natives of the country you work with.

Our comprehensive medical and life science translation services

We strive to cover every medical and life science document translation needs and over the years, we have made sure we get closer to that goal every day. Our services include but not limited to,

Clinical trial documents

  • Trial protocols
  • Consent forms
  • Investigator brochures
  • Study findings and results
  • Safety procedures

Regulatory Translation

  • Regulatory submission documents
  • Local legal regulation documents
  • Declaration of conformity
  • Risk management files
  • Pre-market approvals
  • Clinical evaluation reports

medical device translations

  • Regulatory compliance reports
  • Device master records
  • Manuals and instructions for use
  • Warranty of the device
  • Labeling and packaging

pharmaceutical translation

  • Drug development
  • Manufacturing blueprints and instructions
  • Distribution documents
  • Medical formula reports
  • Drug Test reports

Healthcare translation

  • Medical reports
  • Discharge summaries
  • Transfer summaries
  • Case notes
  • Referral letter

Life science research translation

  • Research papers
  • Grant application
  • Clinical trial protocols
  • Laboratory manuals
  • Pharmacovigilance reports
  • Informed consent forms

patient information translation

  • Leaflets
  • Brochures
  • Educational materials
  • Treatment care option lists
  • Posters
  • Advertisements

All in all, the most common documents we translate are as follows

Clinical trial protocols and reports

Patient consent forms and information sheets

Investigator brochures

Regulatory submission documents

Medical device manuals and instructions for use

Pharmaceutical packaging and labeling

Healthcare records and medical reports

Research papers and scientific articles

Patient information leaflets and brochures

Marketing and promotional materials

Our 5-step Medical and Life Science Translation process

Initiation and Quality assurance

Once you make contact with us, you will fill out a form addressing a summary of your basic needs. This is followed by an online meeting with the leader of our localized translation team and Quality Assurance (QA) manager to discuss with you your needs, specific requirements, deadlines, and any special preferences. The meeting will also give you an outline of our procedure.

AI-powered translation

Our AI will translate all the contents of your medical and life science documents with high efficiency, completing the task with minimal time and cost. This is also the first step of our translation process, and the only step in our most basic plan.

Assignment to Experts

Your machine-translated documents will be moved to language experts. We procure a specialized team of native linguistic experts with relevant medical backgrounds based on the discussed preferences. Our subject-matter experts will handle your medical and life science document translation revising, localizing, and perfecting the machine-translated content, offering a professional touch to your content.

Review and Quality Assurance

You will be constantly updated with drafts of your medical and life science documents for review. Our QA manager will be in touch with you to receive your feedback and preferences to offer you the best quality.

Final review and Delivery

After QA, we will deliver the final draft of the document to you for one final confirmation. The team leader will explain to you the localization process and how it incorporates the native culture. Once you are satisfied, we request your feedback.

Medical and Life science Translation

Frequently asked Question

Contact us today and receive the best professional medical and life translation service in the industry.
What is the cost of document translation?
Document translation costs are typically calculated on a per-word basis, with rates varying depending on the target language. Additional factors influencing the total cost include required services such as formatting, the number of pages, and other specific needs.
What is a certified translation of a document?
A certified translation is a translation accompanied by a signed statement from a language service provider (LSP) affirming the translation’s accuracy and validity. This statement also includes the translator’s qualifications. Certified translations are often required for legal documents such as birth certificates, death certificates, business contracts, and other legal documents.
What does a certified translation document look like?
A certified translation document includes the translated text along with a signed certification statement. This certification, which verifies the accuracy and validity of the translation, can be provided either electronically or in hard copy form.
What standards should a language service provider have?
A reputable language service provider should hold relevant ISO certifications for quality management systems. These standards ensure high-quality service and reliability. Our certifications include:

– **ISO 9001:2015:** A general quality standard applicable to businesses of any size.
– **ISO 17100:2015:** Specifically designed for translation service providers.
– **ISO 13485:2016:** Tailored for the medical device industry.
– **ISO 18587:2017:** Pertains to translations produced using artificial intelligence (AI) tools, including machine translation (MT) and neural machine translation (NMT).
– **ISO 14971:2019:** Focuses on risk management for medical device companies.

What is a translation memory and how does it help?
A translation memory (TM) is a database that stores source content alongside its corresponding translations. TMs reduce costs by reusing previously translated word segments, ensuring consistency and quality, and speeding up the time to market. TMs are beneficial for various types of content, including technical documents, software, and website translations.
What’s the difference between sworn and certified translations?
The distinction between sworn and certified translations lies in their authorization. A sworn translation is completed by a translator recognized by a legal or government authority and bears a sworn translation stamp. In contrast, a certified translation includes a certification from a language service provider attesting to the translation’s accuracy and completeness, without requiring the translator to be sworn or legally authorized.